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During every kind of sports activity, excluding aquatic sports, the foot receives countless solicitations, given by the movement it makes, by the sock, by the shoe and the ground.

Some alterations of the sock or the shoe do not allow the right grip on the ground, causing important skin damages like blisters or lesions given by rubbing the foot against the shoe where to be blamed are socks that create slipperiness. The construction of Oxeego's socks, with its innovative technology, allows a reduction of damages to the skin due to rubbing and better stability of the foot and leg, stimulating the microcirculation of blood and reducing the excessive overheating. The increase in oxygenation that Celliant technology offers also manages to maintain a constant temperature. The union of this yarn to Oxeego Antibacterial technology, with its high absorbency, reduces the risk of fungal superinfections, the so called "athlete's foot", often due to excessive overheating and poor tissue oxygenation that cause its formation.

The particular construction of the Oxeego sock makes this sock not just a simple garment, but an essential tool while practicing sports. Paired up with right shoes, this sock is the key for improving sports performances, with a "cool-down" effect on the foot, a reduction of the risks of infections and skin lesions; with its support zones, it reduces the presence of micro traumas on the metatarsal and ankle areas. Furthermore the support made in the lacing area avoids discomfort and traumas due to the displacement of the shoe tongue and rubbing laces on the skin.

For sportsmen who suffer from hyperhidrosis, it reduces the risks of maceration and fissuring of the skin that can happen especially after an intense and prolonged activity, thanks to its absorbing power.

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